Michael Dirr to be Keynote Speaker at Master Gardeners of Mercer County’s 2013 Horticultural Symposium

Michael Dirr

If you live in NJ or plan on being in the Princeton, NJ area on March 16th, 2013 or if you enjoy traveling to symposiums, you might consider signing up for the Master Gardeners of Mercer County’s outstanding annual horticultural symposium. For the last few years, The Master Gardeners of Mercer County, NJ have held excellent gardening symposiums that are extremely popular and well appreciated by those who attend. Every year these symposiums have been sell-outs. This year they seem to have put together what promises to be their best symposium ever. So even before information about the symposium went public, over HALF the seats have been sold already.

The reason that this is such a popular symposium  is that Dr. Michael Dirr, the guru of woody plants, will be the keynote speaker. Michael Dirr will be lecturing for two hours- one lecture will be on trees and the other lecture will be on hydrangeas and viburnums.  Michael Dirr is such a popular figure in the horticultural world, that people are eager to hear him talk and perhaps get a few minutes to talk to him and get books, written by him, signed.  If you think you can attend this symposium, you must get your registration money and registration form in IMMEDIATELY . The registration form can be printed out from this site.

This is what Amazon.com says about a few of Dr. Michael Dirr’s books:

With Dirr’s Hardy Trees and Shrubs and Dirr’s Trees and Shrubs for Warm Climates, Michael Dirr set the gold standard for horticultural reference. This season, Timber Press is proud to publish his seminal work, Dirr’s Encyclopedia of Trees and Shrubs, the most comprehensive visual reference on this important subject. A combination of Dirr’s bestselling books under one cover, adding new plants, new photographs, plus all new commentary in Dirr’s signature style, it is the bible of woody plants.

Michael Dirr has written at least12 books and over 300 scientific and popular publications. He has helped introduce over 40 new plant cultivars into the nursery trade. He is a Professor of Horticulture at the University of Georgia. You can read more about Michael Dirr here or here.

Other speakers at this symposium are Heidi Hesselein and Barbara Bromley. Books and plants will be sold during break time.  And if, as in the past, there is a plant raffle, you might be lucky to go home with a nice prize.

ThisGardenLady has heard Dr. Dirr before but will be attending this symposium to hear him again. TheGardenLady attends any functions ANONYMOUSLY. She prefers not to be known.

One Reply to “Michael Dirr to be Keynote Speaker at Master Gardeners of Mercer County’s 2013 Horticultural Symposium”

  1. Please note that this symposium is COMPLETELY SOLD OUT and no more registrations will be accepted.

    I know this because I am the registrar for the event.

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