Ideas on How to Decorate the Garden

Flinstone Chair! by Just Nick…

TheGardenLady will be going to some Garden Shows this Spring. Besides wanting to see the creative floral displays, I am looking for ideas to decorate my garden. I want to see the type of statuary or furniture they are showing. Of course, I prefer the decorations to be as inexpensive as possible, but I need the ideas first.

I was thinking of possibly putting more seating in my gardens. I already have a stone bench. But what about having sofas in my backyard garden? Something that will withstand all weather conditions and not be washed away by the flooding that sometimes occurs after heavy rains. And I want the furniture that has an artistic, funky quality.

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Outdoor Designer Garden Furniture

Garden bench for Kai by kretyen

Part of preparation for winter, now that fall is seriously with us, is storing outdoor furniture. That is a major problem for me since storage space is at a premium. The other problem, as I look at my garden furniture while stowing it, is that it looks so shabby. I cannot even call it Shabby chic.

I would love some clever outdoor furniture that is funky or interesting but can stay out in all weather. I have two pieces of furniture that I like. My favorite bench is an old park bench, the kind that is made of such heavy wrought iron that you cannot budge it. It used to sit on my grandmother’s front porch- so you know it is an antique. I took off the rotting wood and repainted it to match my front door and front of the house which is a silvery gray and fuschia. I love the look. This bench can weather any season.

The new piece that I treated myself to this year is a bench made from concrete. I bought it because it was on half price sale at my local nursery. I worried that it might look like it belonged in a cemetery. But it looks like it fits in a garden. And I don’t have to store it for the winter.

Still I wish I had really nice outdoor designer furniture.

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Wooden Garden Furniture

Bench in Double-walled Garden by Charles Stirton

It’s only the start of April, but already the temperature is a little bit warmer, the days are lighter for longer and the season begins to change from Spring to Summer. I absolutely love this time of year.  It’s the time of year when the difficulties of winter, such as the terrible ice and snow, become distant memories and I can really start to look forward to the warmer months.

While having sunny April may not always mean that the next few months will have good weather, I find this time so exciting and uplifting, as it means I can get out into the garden again, do some clearing, planting, and best of all, relaxing on my favorite garden bench.

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Garden Furniture

Ginkgo Biloba garden table and chairs by sunshinesyrie

Now that winter seems almost over and with the woodchuck predicting an early spring, this GardenLady is dreaming both day and night about her garden and what changes may take place. Since the garden is really an outdoor room, to decorate is the fun thing to do. There one can sit on a nice chair in the hot afternoon with perhaps a nice cool drink in hand, my favorite is lemon or limeade,* and admire one’s flowers and garden.

I know that there will be great outdoor garden furniture ideas at the garden shows that will soon be taking place around this country and around the world. If one is handy one can build some interesting outdoor furniture for your garden and with pretty homemade pillows, your place will look unique. Alas, I am not that handy. So I have been browsing the internet to see what ideas are new in outdoor furniture for 2011.

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