Great Gardening Gifts for Christmas

Dear Santa,

The holiday season is approaching fast, so shopping has begun with a vengeance. I know that when I give gifts, I want the gift to be the perfect gift for each person; but I want the gift to be a great surprise. I am hoping those who give gifts will also surprise this recipient with the perfect present. So that is why I am writing to you, Dear Santa, in the hopes that you will whisper in the giver’s ear the exact place to shop or item to buy. I am not dreaming of sugarplums. They are fattening. The gifts I dream of would be for the garden. And no, we dreamers cannot afford to buy these things ourselves. Some of these garden items are only sold wholesale. Santa you know that we gardeners have been nice, not naughty. That is why I write to you. Santa, you have the connections.

Santa, here is my short list. I am hoping TheGardenLady blog readers will have other suggestions:

When I was in West Virginia, I met sculptor Joe Foley 1622 Oakhurst Drive, Charleston v 25314 (304) 542-6999 and saw his Steel Blooming Metal Flowers (see here) I thought one of his unpainted daffodils would fit into my garden very nicely.

When I was at last year’s Trade Secrets Plants and Antiques Charity event in Connecticut (see here) (TheGardenLady will be writing more about this event in the spring before the May 19th and 20th dates when it will be held again.) I fell in love with everything l saw from Campo De Fiori, a great garden wholesale shop that promises an online retail catalog coming soon.  Their website says that their products are sold in every state. So check them out. I found one of their products on this website which has other garden items.

I discovered online a great company that makes wonderful garden items like trellises and arbors, etc. This is Austram.  Again this company only sells wholesale, so we cannot buy directly. But they list stores in every state where you can buy their items. And I think you can contact them to find where their products are sold.

Thanks, Santa. And look for the cookies I will set out for you when you deliver.


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