Earth Hour and Earth Day

Earth Day Embrace by jurvetson
Earth Day Embrace by jurvetson

Mark these dates on your Calendar: March 28th and April 22nd

Gardeners are wonderful people. The reason is that they are not only beautifying their own environment but are also beautifying the earth. And they are helping and protecting the earth. Gardeners give back by planting and by composting. Gardeners are nurturers, nurturing the earth.

But, sadly, there aren’t enough of us. The earth is becoming sick.

Two organizations that are trying to help the earth heal are Earth Hour and Earth Day. TheGardenLady thinks that her readers know about these organizations; but is writing this column just in case some don’t. Earth Hour is an international organization. TheGardenLady hopes Earth Day will become more internationally recognized.

TheGardenLady wants her readers, in all parts of the world, to spread the word about Earth Hour and Earth Day and what they are doing. Spread the word to family including children, friends and acquaintances. And, I hope, you will personally get involved in their activities.

The first organization I want to tell you about is Earth Hour. Earth Hour began in 2007 in Australia where they got 2.2 million homes and businesses to switch off their lights for one hour to show concern about the earth. In 2008 the message had grown into a global sustainability movement, with 50
million people switching off their lights. Global landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome’s Colosseum, the Sydney Opera House and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square all stood in darkness.

This year, 2009, ” Earth Hour is being taken to the next level, with the goal of getting 1 billion people to switch off their lights as part of a global vote to sustain the earth. Unlike any election in history, it is not about what country you’re from, but instead, what planet you’re from. VOTE EARTH is a global call to action for every individual, every business, and every community. A call to stand up and take control over the future of our planet. Over 74 countries and territories have pledged their support to VOTE EARTH during Earth Hour 2009, and this number is growing everyday.”

We all have a vote, and every single vote counts. Together we can take control of the future of our planet, for future generations.

VOTE EARTH by simply switching off your lights for one hour, and join the world for Earth Hour. The Voting date is SATURDAY, MARCH 28 from 8:30-9:30pm- your local time wherever in the world you live. It will look like, from outer space, a global wave.

Please, won’t all TheGardenLady readers be part of this vote? Sit in the dark or sit around candles and tell family stories and histories or talk about the Earth and how each of you can help it.

The second organization that is trying to help sustain the earth is
Earth Day. Earth Day is the older organization. Earth Day is celebrated on
April 22 each year Earth Day was started in 1970 by Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, who proposed the first nationwide environmental protest “to shake up the political establishment and force this issue onto the national agenda. ” “It was a gamble,” he recalls, “but it

On the Earth Day website are all sorts of activities that you can be part of- some global and some local activities. For example, there is the global Climate Change Solution Campaign where you can join discussion groups about climate change and there is a petition to sign to help prevent climate change. And/Or one can adopt a water project around the world to help provide clean and safe water.

There is a Canadian Earth Day website.

Check to see what is happening for Earth Day locally in your state. If there isn’t anything going on, perhaps you can start an Earth Day event near you.

New Jersey has many activities going on to celebrate Earth Day.

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