So many of TheGardenLady’s readers seemed to be interested in acid loving plants. Here is a partial list of 35 acid loving plants:
1. Amelanchier- Juneberry

2. Andromeda- Pieris

3. Azalea

4. Balsam Fir

5. Camellia

6. Cedar (White)

7. Chionanthus- Fringe tree

8. Clethra- Summersweet

9. Cleyera

10. Crape myrtle

11. Davidia involucrata- Dove or Handkerchief Tree

12. Dogwood

13. Fir

14. Fothergilla

15. Gardenia

16. Hamamelis- witch hazel

17. Heath

18. Heather

19. Hemlock Tree

20. Hibiscus

21. Holly

22. Huckleberry

23. Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla requires acid soil and will color according to soil pH If the pH is in the range of 5.0 to 5.5 the color will be a soft blue. With a pH of 6.0 to 6.5 or higher there will be pink flowers.)

24. Ixora

25. Leucothoe

26. Magnolia

27. Mahonia

28. Mountain Ash

29. Mountain Laurel

30. Oak

31. Oxydendrum arboreum- Sourwood

32. Pyracantha

33. Rhododendron

34. Spruce

35. Viburnum

Some additional acid loving landscape plants.
For some summer reading about shrubs and trees, many of them acid loving, read Jacqueline Heriteau’s book “Complete TREES, Shrubs & Hedges” or go on line to read part of the book. See here.
Or read Michael Dirr’s book “Dirr’s Hardy Trees and Shrubs: An Illustrated Encyclopedia” which is one of the best books written about trees and shrubs.
Thanks for giving credit.
Thanks for giving credit and using my photo!! 🙂
what a great website – thanks
Lovely photos and most helpful in identifying those special garden plants.
HI there,
Im trying to find a low growing plant (20cm max height) to underplant the connifers in my garden, nothing will grow there at the moment. it looks extremely bare. Do you have any advice?
Thanks bronwyn.
great photos & very helpful
Are ‘weeping nutka’ or zebra grass acid loving?
Acid loving plants always seem to have to best colors. Lovely Pics
Thank you,Thank you,Thank you!
Really enjoyed your website! Very informative and the pictures were beautiful. Thank you.
Would like to send a photo of a plant for identification. Located at our daughter!s home in Livingston, NJ. Should know it but can’t come up with a name. Everything in the entire planting is ericaceous.
sure…send it and TheGardenLady will try to identify it
After years of growing hibiscus I never realized they liked acidic soil….I’m going out and digging in coffee grounds! Love the website….gorgeous pictures!
Your photo #4, which is labeled balsam fir is actually a spruce. It looks like a blue spruce.
Bronwyn, most varieties of sedum, a 3 to 5 inch high ground cover that bloom in shades of white, pink, red, purple, yellow, or orange, as well as one everblooming red named “Dragon’s Blood” . These are shade loving plants, low maintenance, drought tolerant, traffic resilient easily grown plants. They will also grow very well in full to partial sun…very versatile plants. They do well by themselves or mixed with other shade lovers such as Hostas, which come in so many leaf colors now and which love acidic soil. So Hosta would be happy with your conifer tree which is also acid loving.. happy gardening.