Stunning Japanese Gardens

Shinjuku garden

Spring Finale by NatashaP

TheGardenLady corresponds with a Japanese lady she met while in Fukuoka. As we in the US are still under a blanket of snow, my Japanese friend writes how spring has come to her area. Circulating on the computer are some beautiful photos of what spring looks like in Japan. I hope they are real and not enhanced.  Click here for some stunning photos.

Showcase Your Garden

My garden in full bloom by aussiegall
My garden in full bloom by aussiegall

The GardenLady is always looking for beautiful and interesting gardens. And I am sure that the readers would also love to see photos of wonderful gardens. The blog would love to showcase YOUR GARDEN.  If you want to show off your garden, contact me by filling out the information on this page.

Welcome to My Garden by njchow82
Welcome to My Garden by njchow82

I am asking readers for photos of your garden with a little write-up about the garden. The write-up should include what country (US, Canada, England, Abu Dabai, etc) and state your garden is in. If you don’t mind telling what town or city your garden is in, that would be wonderful. It would be nice to see both over views and close ups of your plants with the names of the plants in your garden. Other interesting details would be the age of your garden- how long have you been creating it; which direction is North in your garden; something about the soil- is it acidic, neutral or alkaline; what you use for mulch; how much sun your garden gets; any problems your garden has; any interesting anecdotes about your garden; and anything you think would be of interest to TheGardenLady blog readers. Email as many photos as you can.

View on my garden by frans schmit
View on my garden by frans schmit

Of course, if you don’t have a garden but have indoor or patio plants, TheGardenLady would love to see photos of your plants, too. Include information about the plants- names, how long you’ve had the plant, how you designed your container with plants, etc.

Thank you.

(The webmaster reserves the right to choose the photos for the website and edit the writings.)

Chrysanthemum Bonsai in Japan

Bonsai bon·sai  n. pl. bonsai is the art of growing dwarfed, ornamentally shaped trees or shrubs in small shallow pots or trays. Bonsai appeared first in China over 1000 years ago but once bonsai was introduced into Japan in around the 12th century- some say earlier, the art was refined to an extent not yet approached in China. The word means means a tree planted in a container.  Read this for some history of bonsai.

While in Japan, TheGardenLady visited what is considered one of the 3 most beautiful gardens in Japan which is also one of the most famous gardens in Japan since the Edo Period-for over 300 years. This magnificent garden is called Korakuen and is in Okayama. Because it is Chrysanthemum time, the garden had an exhibit of Chrysanthemum Bonsai.

Continue reading “Chrysanthemum Bonsai in Japan”

Looking for a Beautiful Garden Tour?


One of the things TheGardenLady enjoys is visiting places with plants or plant related material. These include gardens, parks, arboretums, nurseries, farms, flower shows, farmers markets, etc.  These places can be private or public. If TheGardenLady is in the vicinity and the places are open to the public, TheGarden Lady will try to visit. There are so many different types of gardens and each is a work of art. The artist Monet knew this when he created his garden in Giverny, France.   
So how does one find good places to visit? There are numerous ways.
Continue reading “Looking for a Beautiful Garden Tour?”