Gardening In Maine Near Acadia National Park


Acadia National Park – Photo taken by beforethecoffee

TheGardenLady received this question from Clive:

I am a UK citizen and live in England.  Recently I purchased some waterfront land looking out towards Acadia National Park, in Down-East Maine. In the next year I hope to have an all-year-round house built on the land, which I hope to visit a few times each year. For the most part the land is wooded with some cleared areas going down to the tidal beach, with a deepish gulley as the boundary to one side of the land going down to the water. I am keen to find about any plants that I could introduce. I intend to keep the land (apart from a small grass-mowed area around the house) in a ‘wild’ state for the benefit of the plants and wild-life. Can you suggest any plants/shrubs/trees etc., that I might consider planting – given the fact that they will not be tended? The total area of land is about 7 acres. Any help that you can give would be much appreciated.

Congratulations on getting a summer home in one of the prettiest states in the US and wanting to garden there.  As a Brit. I feel certain that you will create a showplace. My suggestion would be to plant plants native to Maine. Of course, you can plant other, non-native plants, but this column will support planting native plants.

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